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Todor Stojcevski is Co-Owner of Chapter 4 Macedonia. Since 2011, he is also the MD, managing the communication with domestic and international clients. His fields of expertise are public relations, media relations and event organization.

Currently, he attends the PhD studies in the field of Strategic Communications. He has an MA in Peace and Development studies and is a graduate journalist with 12 years of media experience. He received several journalistic awards from the United Nations in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Todor is Management Board member and Co-Founder of the first Public Relations Association of Macedonia (PRAM). He is the only Macedonian co-author of the book "Secrets of the World PR Experts" and author of columns in the Macedonian media.

His extensive client experience includes work for: Hyundai, LC Waikiki, Ford, Association of Macedonian municipalities, IT Logistics, Chamber of certified architects and engineers, Duki Daso, Bosch and Siemens, Ericsson, Lyoness, Romaversitas, Continental, Faculty for electronics and information technology, Vezeshari, Lecker, Duna, GDi, Euromax Resources, OSCE, Lavazza, Volvo etc.

Todor is the author of the master thesis "The media and post-conflict peace building”; "Peace journalism - the value-oriented profession" - a paper published in the Proceedings of the Faculty of Law in Skopje; as well as the editor and author of the "Annual bulletin of the Civic Platform of Macedonia".