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north macedonia

This September brings one more reason for Chapter 4 to celebrate according to the South-East-European habits. The reason is the establishment of a local Chapter 4 agency in Skopje, Macedonia. 

„It was only a question of time“ – said Boris Beker, Chapter 4 Managing Partner, during the interview with Zurnal, the Macedonian daily newspaper.„There are many reasons why we decided to invest in the business in Macedonia: Macedonia is geographically and historically close to the markets where Chapter 4 is already present with own offices. Additionally, Austria is the third strongest investor in Macedonia, which is a good assumption for a direct access to investors and companies. Besides, the two most important reasons for establishing a Chapter 4 agency in Skopje are also the increasing enquiries of our clients for PR services in Macedonia on the one hand as well as the establishment of a local expert team.“ – explains Beker.

Beker is convinced about the positive development of the Macedonian market and its potentials for international investments and PR. The reason: the existing need of foreign and domestic companies for service quality and sustainable communication solutions and strategies. The exclusive partnership with Burson-Marsteller, which was signed exactly one year ago, offers - primarily to Macedonian companies, which would like to carry out projects outside the Chapter 4 network - access to the global know-how, business relations and other resources.

Chapter 4 and it Macedonian team, headed by Igor Nikoloski and Todor Stojcevski, are proudly announcing the establishment of its own Agency in Skopje and all local Chapter 4 teams warmly welcome Igor Nikolovski and his team to the Chapter 4 family.

See the interview with Boris Beker on Zurnal.