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Chapter 4 Management Board Meeting in Bucharest

The first Chapter 4 Management Board Meeting in 2014 was held in Bucharest, from 6th to 7th March. The Chapter 4 Board Members discussed the challenges of the industry, the trends, future growth strategies and Chapter 4 achievements across the region.

The Chapter 4 Management Board meets twice a year and gathers the group’s Managing Directors as well as MDs from Austria, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.We wish to thank all of our colleagues for their brilliant inputs, wonderful energy and breath-taking ideas. A special thanks goes out to the hosts of the Management Board Meeting – our colleagues from Chapter 4 Romania, gathered around Managing Director Raluca Ene.

As usual, the meeting ended with a group picture. In the picture (from left to right): Raluca Ene (C4 Romania), Todor Stojcevski (C4 Macedonia), Adnan Burazerović (C4 Bosnia), Severin Heinisch (C4 HQ & Austria), Milena Avramović-Bjelica (C4 Serbia), Boris Beker (C4 HQ & Austria), Tamara Bekčić (C4 Serbia), Dimitrina Mladenova (C4 Bulgaria), Edit Murányi (C4 Hungary), Igor Nikoloski (C4 Macedonia), Ena Karabelas (C4 Romania) and Rossitsa Cherneva (C4 Bulgaria).