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Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is in a constant state of evolution.

Market researchers constantly track trends and insights in the influencer marketing industry to uncover the tactics that not only drive most of the engagement across influencer and company collaborations, but also generate most conversions.

Here are key insights into how to ensure your next influencer partnership is a successful one:

  • Work with new and different influencers.

While many organizations still have a certain amount of hesitation when it comes to working with smaller, up-and-coming influencers, we have found that brands are increasingly placing their trust in influencers other than the top one percent—and finding success with quality content and substantially more engagement.

However, it’s not just about looking to work with fresh faces. Another way organizations can increase engagement with influencer campaigns is to look beyond their traditional range.

  • Build a closer brand/influencer relationship.

For companies that may just be starting to test influencer marketing, instances where they call on an influencer are typically one-offs. They might call on influencers for specific events or product launches, but in today’s marketplace, it can be beneficial to double down and build on influencer/brand collaborations for longer periods of time.

With this type of relationship, however, marketers must be more thoughtful when selecting influencers, as well as be more strategic in finding ways to collaborate and be even more measured in calculating results over a longer time period.

  • Scale top influencer content with paid social media marketing.

After having received great and very valuable content from influencers, you have to use it. Especially for integrated communications plans, content from influencers is extremely useful.

When evaluating influencer campaigns, identify the content that performed the best and consider paying to boost the posts behind it—either by improving or retargeting with clear audiences in mind.

  • Measure “conversion” beyond affiliate tracking.

Most PR professionals are looking at promo codes or affiliate link conversions to define conversion rates—and, most often, overall campaign success as well. This, however, can oftentimes be at odds with using influencers to tell a story about your company to raise awareness, rather than immediately encouraging them to buy a product or use a service.

Proper tracking can drive a deeper understanding of exactly the types of conversions your influencer campaigns bring about.

Overall, it’s important to approach an influencer campaign with creativity. Working with influencers on a long-term basis while consistently using their content for additional integrated communications channels like social and advertising, is how you can ensure optimal engagement and return-on-investment.