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The three “best of the best” will again be chosen and awarded during the big Austria’ 11 Gala, which will be held on the national holiday – the 26th October.

The award is split to categories: Creative Industries, Research, Humanitarian Engagement, Culture Management and Economy.

Till Reiter, the Manager of the international known Austrian shoe-manufactorer LUDWIG REITER, is nominated in the the category “Economy”. Ludwig Reiter is internationally known for sewn-welted shoes, produced according to the traditional Goodyear-method. The Ludwig Reiter shoes represent a synonym for high quality worldwide.

Chapter 4 congratulates its client Ludwig Reiter for the nomination and wishes all the best.

Until 7th of October everyone can vote online, via SMS or by mail for its favourite candidates. The Gala’11 will be broadcasted by the Austrian Public Service Channel ORF.