The Arab Youth Survey is an annual initiative of ASDA’A Burson-Masteller. It provides data about the young population in the Middle East. Comparing to last years’ results, there are some noticeable changes among the young population in the Middle East.
The key findings are:
- In 2011, 17% embraced modern values. In 2014, that number increased to 46%.
- 67% of the respondents say that parents are their main source of information or advices, followed by family (58%) and religion (56%).
- Social media and blogger influence has increased to 35%.
- Still a high number (54%) believes in the “Arab Spring”.
- 63% are concerned about constant rise of living costs and 49% expressed their concern about unemployment.
- 67% of young people are willing to start their own business (although the government sector remains an attractive choice).
- 39% of young people would like to live in UAE.
- 69% are optimistic about the future of their countries.
- 58% don’t believe in the government’s ability to improve healthcare.
- The main source of information for young people is television.
More information can be found here.