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4 YearsChapter 4: Management Board Meeting in Vienna

It has been four full years since Chapter 4 has been founded in 2010 – that was at the same time the main motto for the Chapter 4 Management Board Meeting in Vienna 2014, from 23rd to 24th October. We have discussed the past of Chapter 4 and have defined a clear path moving forward. Regional developments, Chapter 4 achievements and know-how exchange were top of the agenda.

The Chapter 4 Management Board meets twice a year and gathers the group’s Managing Directors as well as MDs from HQ, Austria, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Thanks to our colleagues, we had brilliant and exciting discussions and many productive outcomes during those two days.

As usual, the meeting ended with a group picture. In the picture (from left to right): Bernhard Krumpel (Partner C4 Austria), Igor Nikoloski (C4 Macedonia), Raluca Ene (C4 Romania),  Severin Heinisch (C4 HQ & Austria), Edit Murányi (C4 Hungary), Stephan Scoppetta (C4 Austria), Tamara Bekčić (C4 Serbia), Milena Avramović-Bjelica (C4 Serbia), Anelia Milkova (C4 Bulgaria), Todor Stojcevski (C4 Macedonia), Boris Beker (C4 HQ & Austria) and Adnan Burazerović (C4 Bosnia).